Assigning Employee Access to Managers

When granting management access rights to an employee, you must specify which employees they can view in reports or action in another function. By default, no access to employees (based on OSM position nor classification) are assumed and must be specifically assigned to the manager.


One option is to assign employee access based on position in the Direct Report OSM tree.  This can be for all individuals who directly report to the manager or expanded to include a set number of additional levels beneath the manager,.  Alternatively, you can use criteria filters to assign employee access based on department, location, and other factors. You can also assign access to specific employees who are neither in the chain of command or part of an employee classification.

Access to Subordinate EmployeesAccess to Subordinate Employees

Use this option to grant managers access to employees who report to them in the Direct Report OSM tree. By default, a manager may see all employees who report to them in the Direct Report OSM tree, though you may limit this to a number of levels if necessary.

One of your high-level managers supervises a group of leads who in turn supervise clerical staff. You want the high-level manager to have the ability to perform certain functions for the leads, but you also want the leads to perform the same functions for their staff. Grant the high-level manager access to employees only one level below them (giving them access to the leads), and then grant the leads access to one level below them (giving them access to the clerical staff).

1.   Click the Employee AccessEmployee Access tab.

The Employee AccessEmployee Access tab displays.

2.   Verify that the Provide access to all employees under this manager checkboxProvide access to all employees under this manager checkbox is checked.

The manager is granted access to all employees below their position in the Direct Report OSM tree.

3.   If desired, you may use the Limit Visibility to EmployeesLimit Visibility to Employees drop-down box to limit the number of levels of employees the manager may access below their level in the Direct Report OSM tree.

4.   Click the Save Changes button.

Result: After you save changes, the manager you selected may access all employees below their position in the Direct Report OSM tree (assuming you have not limited their access to 3 levels or less below their position in the Direct Report OSM tree).


Access Using Criteria FiltersAccess Using Criteria Filters

By default, managers may access only employees who report to them. Use this option to limit a manager's access to employees by department, location, division, or other criteria. For example, you might grant a manager access to all employees in your Clerical and Sales departments, but limit their access to employees in your Executive and Production departments.

The Benefits Administrator at your company will need access to the entire company. However, the benefits administrator does not have all of the individuals in the company reporting to them. You may use criteria filters to specify the employees who do not report directly to the Benefits Administrator, but whom the administrator still needs to access.

1.   Click the Employee AccessEmployee Access tab.

The Employee AccessEmployee Access tab displays.

2.   Check the Provide Visibility/Access to this Manager Based on Employment Filters Specified BelowProvide Visibility/Access to this Manager Based on Employment Filters Specified Below check box.

The Filter Types AvailableFilter Types Available portion of the screen is now available. The types of available criteria vary from company to company, but common types are department, location, and so on.

3.   Select the Filter Types AvailableFilter Types Available radio button next to the criteria you would like to use to filter manager access to employees.

4.   Uncheck the Disable [Criteria Type] FilterDisable [Criteria Type] Filter check box.

The AvailableAvailable box at the bottom of the screen displays all available criteria of the type you selected (for example, all departments in your company).


5.   Select the appropriate criteria in the Available box.

The criteria you selected will be highlighted.

Note: Select the Show Inactive [Criteria Type] check box to see inactive codes, as well, in the Available box.

6.   Click the right arrowright arrow button to move the highlighted criteria to the SelectedSelected box (in the example at the top of this section, you would move the Clerical and Sales departments to the Selected box, but leave the Executive and Production departments in the Available box).

Note: You may remove criteria from the Selected box by selecting the criteria and clicking the left arrowleft arrow button to move that criteria back to the Available box.

7.   Repeat steps 3 to 6 for all criteria types you want to use to filter manager access to employees.

8.   Click the Save Changes button.

Result: After you save changes, the manager you selected may access all employees falling under the criteria you placed in the Selected Box under each filter type (in the example above, all employees in the Clerical and Sales departments), but may not access employees falling under criteria that remains in the Available box (in the example above, any employees in the Executive or Production departments).



Access to Specific EmployeesAccess to Specific Employees

Use the Employee Override tab to provide managers with access to specific employees who do not report to them in the Direct Report OSM tree.

Due to some recent downsizing, the Customer Service Manager in your company will now oversee the receptionist in regard to paid leave requests and time clock reporting. Since the direct report relationship will not change, you can allow access to the Customer Service Manager using the Employee Override tool. This will allow you to grant access to the manager without changing the reporting relationship.

Note: This option does not remove or alter manager access to employees already specified in the Direct Report OSM tree or the Employee Classification filters.

1.   Click the Employee OverrideEmployee Override tab.

      The Employee Override tab displays.

2.   Click the EditEdit icon.

3.   Select the employee whom you would like to assign to this manager from the AvailableAvailable box.

      Note: Select the Show Terminated Employees check box to see terminated as well as active employees in the Available box.

4.   Click the right arrowright arrow button to move the highlighted employee to the SelectedSelected box.

Note: You may remove employees from the Selected box by selecting the employee and clicking the left arrowleft arrow button to move that criteria to the Available box.

5.   Click the Save Changes button.

Result: After you save changes, the manager you selected may view all employees you moved to the Selected box just as if that employee were directly reporting to them in the Direct Report OSM tree.



Note: The same Employee Access applies to all rights, unless otherwise noted. For example, a manager cannot run QuickList reports for one set of employees and approve EANs for a different set of employees.