Utilizing Keywords in Notifications

When creating a written notification (whether a Welcome Page Company Notice, Message Center Notification, or system-generated Event-Driven Notification), you are able to have the text within the notification automatically contain information about the respective recipient of the notification or about the individual whom the notification is regarding.  Even if the notification is being created for a group of employees, the Keyword functionality makes each delivered notification personalized to the respective recipient.

Note: The list keywords that are available for use within a message may vary based on the type of notification being created/edited.


Glossary of Keywords available for Notifications



Company Name

Displays the name of the recipient's company for which he/she works, or if used in an Event-Driven notification, the name of the company at which the individual that the notification is regarding works for


The date on which the notification is sent to the recipient will automatically be displayed (may be additionally beneficial when a message is setup on a recurring basis)

Date Placed On Leave

Displays the date on which the individual (whom the notification is regarding) was originally placed on leave


Displays the recipient's default department (per the recipient's personal record) at the time at which the notification is sent, or if used in an Event-Driven notification, the department of the individual that the notification is regarding

Dependent Changes Table

Displays the changes that were made to the recipient's listed dependent(s) through a recently processed Life Event


Displays code associated with the recipient's default department  (per the recipient's personal record) at the time at which the notification is sent

Direct Supervisor

Displays the recipient's direct supervisor per that the recipient reports directly to (per personal record at the time at which the notification is sent), or if used in an Event-Driven notification, the direct supervisor of the individual that the notification is regarding


Displays the recipient's default division (per the recipient's personal record) at the time at which the notification is sent, or if used in an Event-Driven notification, the division of the individual that the notification is regarding

Division Code

Displays code associated with the recipient's default division  (per the recipient's personal record) at the time at which the notification is sent

EAN Notes

Displays the internal notes entered in an eAction Notice (if applicable to the EAN)

Effective Date

Displays the date on which the changes made through the processed eAction Notice will become effective

Employee #

Displays the internal identification number assigned to the individual that the respective notification is regarding

Employee Name

Displays the recipient's full name per the recipient's personal record, or if used in an Event-Driven notification, the full name of the individual that the notification is regarding

Employment Type

Displays the type of employment (part-time or full time) of the individual whom the notification is regarding

Expected Date of Return

Displays the date on which the individual (whom the notification is regarding) is expected to return from being placed on leave

ExponentHR ID

Displays the alphanumeric identifier assigned by ExponentHR to the individual whom the notification is regarding

First Name

Displays just the recipient's first name per the recipient's personal record

FLSA Exempt

Displays the FLSA exemption status of  the job position being requested to be filled (New OSM Position request notification)

Job Code

Displays code associated with the recipient's default job title  (per the recipient's personal record) at the time at which the notification is sent

Job Title

Displays the recipient's default job title (per the recipient's personal record) at the time at which the notification is sent, or if used in an Event-Driven notification, the job title of the individual that the notification is regarding

Last Hire Date

Displays the date on which the individual (whom the notification is regarding) was most recently hired by the employer

Last Name

Displays just the recipient's last name per the recipient's personal record

Life Event Effective Date

Displays the date on which the benefit enrollment changes reported in a recently processed Life Event will become effective

Life Event Type

Displays the type of Life Event reported for processing benefit enrollment changes


Displays the recipient's default location (per the recipient's personal record) at the time at which the notification is sent, or if used in an Event-Driven notification, the location of the individual that the notification is regarding

Location Code

Displays code associated with the recipient's default location  (per the recipient's personal record) at the time at which the notification is sent

Lookback Period End Date

Displays the last date of a date range that will be used when determining a  recipient's benefit enrollment eligibility as part of Healthcare Reform Act

Lookback Period Start Date

Displays the first date of a date range that will be used when determining a  recipient's benefit enrollment eligibility as part of Healthcare Reform Act


Displays the recipient's nickname (if applicable) per the recipient's personal record


Displays the listed office, per the individual's personal record of the individual that the Event-Driven notification is regarding

Pay Day - Current

Displays the recipient's upcoming scheduled pay date (at the time at which the notification is sent)

Pay Day - Next

Displays the recipient's scheduled pay date that will occur after the upcoming (current) pay date (at the time at which the notification is sent)

Pay Group

Displays the pay group to which the individual (whom the notification is sent) belongs

Pay Method

Displays the pay method of the individual whom the notification is regarding

Pay Period - Current

Displays the date range for the pay period in which the recipient is currently in (at the time at which the notification is sent)

Pay Period - Next

Displays the date range for the recipient's upcoming pay period (at the time at which the notification is sent)

Pay Rate

Displays the rate of pay at which the individual (whom the notification is regarding)  receives pay

Plan Elections Table

Displays the recipient's benefit enrollment changes that took place in a recently processed Life Event

Position Key

Displays the identification number assigned by ExponentHR to the job position that the individual (whom the notification is regarding) is occupying or vacating

Reason Terminated

Displays the selected reason within the Employee Termination EAN as to why the individual (whom the notification is regarding) is no longer employed

Stability Period End Date

Displays the last date of a date range that an employee will be considered benefit eligible per the stability period defined as part of Healthcare Reform Act

Stability Period Plan Info

Displays the benefit plan information that is associated with the recipient's defined stability period as part of Healthcare Reform Act

Stability Period Start Date

Displays the first date of a date range that an employee will be considered benefit eligible per the stability period defined as part of Healthcare Reform Act

Standard Hours

Displays the standard amount of hours the individual (whom the notification is regarding) is expected to work in a typical pay period

Time Clock Supervisor

Displays the Time Clock Supervisor of the individual that the Event-Driven notification is regarding

Work Email Address

Displays the work email address of the individual that the Event-Driven notification is regarding

Note: The list keywords that are available for use within a message may vary based on the type of notification being created/edited.