Setting Time Punch Restrictions

You can control which computers employees are allowed to use to make time punches. By specifying Internet IP addresses of the computers that employees are allowed to use, you can restrict employee time punch reporting to those computers only.


Management is concerned that some employees are erroneously reporting their clock in and clock out times from home. As a result, the organization wants to restrict employees from reporting time outside of the office environment. Using the Time Punch Restrictions section in Password Management, specify the IP addresses of the work computers that employees are allowed to use for time clock reporting.


To set time punch restrictions by location:

1.   On the Management Navigation Menu, click Settings > Password ManagementSettings > Password Management.

The Password ManagementPassword Management page displays.

2.   In the Site Access IP RestrictionsSite Access IP Restrictions section, select the Activate IP Address Restrictions for Employee Time Punches check box.

3.   Type the Internet IP address of the computer where employee time punch reporting is allowed.

Note:  If your organization has multiple IP Addresses that start with the same number sequence, you can leave the last box of the IP Address blank to automatically capture all neighboring IP Addresses.  For example, 041.102.400.--- authorizes the range 041.102.400.000 to 041.102.400.999.

4.   Click the Add -->  button to move the address to the Allowed IP Addresses list.

5.   Click the Save button.

Result: If a user attempts to perform a time punch from a computer that has not been specified in the Allowed list, they will see that the Report Time/Report Hours Only selections are not available.

Note:  If you are wanting your employees to be able to record time punches from any computer, but not from the ExponentHR Mobile website, please contact ExponentHR Client Services.


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