You must complete the Direct Deposit Authorization form if you wish to have your paycheck electronically deposited into an account of your choosing.
You have changed bank accounts and need to change the account that your paycheck is being deposited into each pay period. By accessing the EAN section of ExponentHR, you will be able to change/activate multiple accounts to have your paycheck divided into. |
To authorize direct deposit:
1. On the Menu, click My Info > Change My Information > Change Direct DepositMy Info > Change My Information > Change Direct Deposit.
The Direct Deposit Authorization EANDirect Deposit Authorization EAN displays.
2. Specify how your regular payroll checks should be distributed by selecting Paper Check or Direct Deposit from the Distribution Method for Regular Pay ChecksDistribution Method for Regular Pay Checks drop-down box.
3. If you selected Direct Deposit, add as many bank accounts as necessary for direct deposit of regular payroll checks.
View examplesexamples of direct deposit set ups for single account (100%) or multiple accounts based on flat dollar or percentage of net pay.
Add bank accounts for regular payroll checksAdd bank accounts for regular payroll checks
1. Click the Add AccountAdd Account icon in the Regular Payroll Checks area.
The Regular Pay ChecksRegular Pay Checks box displays.
2. Type the name of the bank in the Name of Bank/Institution text box.
3. Select Checking, Savings, or Pay Card in the Type of Account drop-down box.
4. Type the bank's 9-digit RTN in the Bank Routing Transit Number (RTN) text box.
5. Type the account number in the Account Number text box.
6. Select Entire Pay Check, Percentage, Fixed Amount, or Remaining Balance in the Allocation Method drop-down box.
Only one account can have the Remaining Balance allocation method.
If you select Remaining Balance, the bank account will receive funds from the payroll check only if all other accounts have received sufficient funds to meet the set percentage or fixed amount allocation.
7. If you select Percentage or Fixed Amount, type the number in the Applicable Percentage or Fixed Amount text box.
8. Click the SaveSave button.
To inactivate an account, click the EditEdit button on the row and select Inactive in the StatusStatus drop-down box. Making an inactive account active again does not trigger bank verification again.
To arrange the order of the accounts such that one is funded before another, click the arrow buttons. The accounts will receive funding in the order they are listed (unless designated as Remaining Balance.)
4. Specify how the employee's supplemental payroll checks should be distributed by selecting Same as Regular Check, Direct Deposit - Unique Accounts, or Paper Check from the Distribution Method for Supplemental Pay ChecksDistribution Method for Supplemental Pay Checks drop-down box.
5. For direct deposit of supplemental checks in unique accounts, add as many bank accounts as necessary.
Add bank accounts for supplemental checksAdd bank accounts for supplemental checks
1. Click the Add AccountAdd Account icon in the Supplemental Checks area.
The Supplemental ChecksSupplemental Checks box displays.
2. Type the name of the bank in the Name of Bank/Institution text box.
3. Select Checking, Savings, or Pay Card in the Type of Account drop-down box.
4. Type the bank's 9-digit RTN in the Bank Routing Transit Number (RTN) text box.
5. Type the account number in the Account Number text box.
6. Select Entire Pay Check, Percentage, Fixed Amount, or Remaining Balance in the Allocation Method drop-down box.
Only one account can have the Remaining Balance allocation method.
If you select Remaining Balance, the bank account will receive funds from the payroll check only if all other accounts have received sufficient funds to meet the set percentage or fixed amount allocation.
7. If you select Percentage or Fixed Amount, type the number in the Applicable Percentage or Fixed Amount text box.
8. Click the SaveSave button.
6. Enter any notes related to the EAN in the EAN NotesEAN Notes text box for any internal communication related to this EAN between members of your organization.
7. After entering all necessary changes to the Direct Deposit Authorization EAN, click the SubmitSubmit button to submit it for approval.
Result: The EAN you just created is now visible on the eAction Notice (EAN) SummaryeAction Notice (EAN) Summary page. An administrator must approve the EAN and submit it to ExponentHR for completion. After the EAN is completed and the bank verification process is complete (about six business days), the changes you made to your direct deposit information are implemented in ExponentHR.
8. Click the Save as DraftSave as Draft button at the top or bottom of the page to keep the requested change in a drafted status so that it may be edited and submitted for completion at a later time.
Note: When an EAN is put in a drafted status, a Draft EAN Notice with a link to the unsubmitted EAN is provided on the Dashboard.
To cancel a prior authorization for direct deposit and receive a paper check instead:
1. On the Menu, click My Info > Change My Information > Change Direct DepositMy Info > Change My Information > Change Direct Deposit.
The Direct Deposit Authorization EANDirect Deposit Authorization EAN displays.
3. Select Paper Check from the Distribution Method for Regular Payroll Checks drop-down box.
Note: To cancel authorization for direct deposit of supplemental checks, select Paper Check from the Distribution Method for Supplemental Checks drop-down box.
4. Enter any notes related to the EAN in the EAN NotesEAN Notes text box for internal payroll department to review.
5. Click the SubmitSubmit button.
Result: Your request to cancel direct deposit and receive paper checks is submitted to your payroll department. This change will go into effect after the Direct Deposit Authorization EAN is reviewed and approved by an administrator.
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