Onboarding Employment Screening

By activating the Onboarding Employment Screening, ExponentHR partners with a selected vendor to have the background check process incorporated into the onboarding workflow.  ExponentHR is presently partnering with multiple vendors, offering integration methods with the best combination of ease of use and flexibility for your organization's needs.


For the vendor Employment Screening Services (ESS), the SwiftHire method can be integrated.  In this workflow, after ESS receives the employment screening request, they will send to the new hire an email containing a link to their new hire portal (called "SwiftHire") to e-sign the consent form and/or complete any missing information.  This would be the experience for all new hires (even if the consent form and information was obtained/provided through an alternate method).  If the new hire has already provided the needed information, they will simply click the "Submit" button on the new hire portal.


With the vendor Universal, the Redirect Link via ATS Broswer method can be integrated.  In this workflow, ExponentHR will open a browser window, sending the task owner  to the Universal Portal to finish the screening initiating process.  On the Universal Portal, the user can supply any missing information needed for the screening process and optionally elect to send the new hire a link to the Universal's eForms portal (alternatively, you can choose to use your company's own consent form).



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