Onboarding Template Setup

When the onboarding process is initiated for an individual, a series of tasks to complete and other content will be presented to the candidate (and any other individuals assigned an action).  The specific list of items (and the order in which they are to be completed) is based on which template is applicable to the candidate.  This allows your organization to have the flexibility to build multiple custom templates, matching the specific onboarding needs related to the candidate and the position being filled (ex. state, department, job title, etc.).  In the event that a candidate matches the conditions of more than one template, the template with the highest template ID will be used for onboarding the individual.  If no conditional templates match the candidate, the default template will be used when onboarding is initiated for a candidate.


To manage a template configuration:

1.   On the Menu, click HR Administration >  Employee OnboardingHR Administration >  Employee Onboarding.

The Onboarding DashboardOnboarding Dashboard displays.

2.   Select the Onboarding Setup item from the Options button drop-down list.

The TemplatesTemplates tab is initially displayed.

Note:  If no templates have been configured, click the on-screen link to configure the default template which is used in the onboarding process if no other templates are applicable for the candidate.

3.   Click on the template name (to edit an existing template) or click the New Template button to create a new template.

The Template ConfigurationTemplate Configuration page displays.

4.   Within the template configuration, there are the following tabs on which you can customize your onboarding template:

Apply ToApply To

The Apply ToApply To tab provides the flexibility to create an onboarding template that is unique and only applicable to certain employment demographics.  Use the onscreen filters to narrow down the list of applicable new hires.  This includes the option to make the template applicable based on worker type (employee, paid contractor, and/or unpaid contractor). When an individuate meets ALL of the criteria set, the new hire will be subject to the tasks and other items associated with the respective onboarding template (unless a certain section/element within the template has additional conditions that might make it no longer applicable to the individual).

Note: Within a template, each candidate/internal task may have an additional layer of conditions to designate when it is to be included in the onboarding process for a specific individual.  Managed on the Display Conditions tab of the task, use the onscreen condition filters to define which worker types, FLSA status, location, or other parameter conditions must be met in order for the respective task to be applied.

Additionally, a template may be designated for use for individuals prior to start of employment (all items should be completed prior to the employee's hire date), after start of employment (strictly for use after employment has begun), or a combination (pre/post hire tasks incorporated into a single onboarding template).


Candidate/New Hire TasksCandidate/New Hire Tasks

The Candidate/New Hire Tasks are the tasks that your new hire will be asked to complete in the onboarding portal. You may add new tasks, reorder tasks, and assign tasks to specific types of new hires. The types of tasks available for selection are: 



Employee Information Invite the new hire to fill out certain sections of his/her own personnel record
Direct Deposit Invite the new hire to enter the direct deposit settings for use on future payrolls
Upload Document(s) Have the new hire upload required documents regarding employment, such as a driver's license or  certificate
E-Sign Document Have the new hire view an online document and provide an electronic signature of acknowledgement
Form I-9, Section 1 Each employee is required to complete section 1 of Form I-9
Mark Completed Provide the new hire instructions to perform a non-system related action and have them indicate when the task has been completed
Populate Custom Table Invite the new hire to verify or complete any custom table information.  Select which custom table(s) to display and actions (add/edit/delete rows) the new hire is able to perform
Print/Complete/Return This may be used for any paperwork that needs to be completed and returned non-electronically
Survey Ask the new hire to provide feedback through a survey.  The invitation can be scheduled to occur prior to employment or as a check-in survey a set number of days after employment
View Only Provide the new hire visibility to certain documents without the need to provide acknowledgment
W-4 Each employee is required to designate his/her tax withholding elections



For each of these, the configuration is broken out into the following four sections:

General SettingsGeneral Settings

On the General Settings tab, the title and instructions for the task are specified.  Administrators are also able to indicate of the task is discretionary, which either makes the task mandatory or permits the task to be omitted from the onboarding process of a particular new hire when deemed not necessary.  

It is on this tab you are also able to set the date range for which the new hire is able to perform a certain task.  For the Task Start field, enter the date on which the task will become active and available for the new hire to complete.  The individual will be able to see the task prior to the start date, but will not be able to open it.  The Deadline field is the default date by which the task should be completed (Note: a deadline can always be extended for a particular new hire).  The Notifications tab may be used to set up a reminder schedule regarding upcoming/missed deadlines.

Task DetailsTask Details

The Task Details tab will vary based on the type of Candidate/New Hire Task selected.  Some may require configuration while others are systematically controlled.  When setting up a task, review the Task Details tab and ensure it is properly set up to have the desired action taken.


Within the setup of a task is the ability to designate the type of notifications that are sent regarding the task and who are the respective recipients.  The recipient types are as follows:

Display ConditionsDisplay Conditions

When a particular task is not applicable to every  new hire, use the Display Conditions tab to designate which condition(s) must be met in order for the task to be displayed/assigned as part of the onboarding process.  This provides administrators the flexibility to set up multiple tasks within a single onboarding template and only having the applicable ones activated.


Internal TasksInternal Tasks

The Internal Tasks lets administrators specify tasks that must be completed by people inside or outside your organization to facilitate the onboarding of an employee.

On the start date of an internal task, the task owner will receive an email/message center notification with a link to the task. The task link opens a secure web page (keeping any potentially sensitive information protected) where the user will see the details of the task and may provide status updates.

Within the setup of an internal task, there are a variety of configurable items, including:

To create a new internal task for the respective onboarding template, click the Add Task button on the Internal Tasks tab.  Below is a description of each type of internal task available for selection.

Form I-9, Section 2Form I-9, Section 2

Form I-9 is used for verifying the identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment in the United States.  On the form, an employee must attest to his or her employment authorization. The employee must also present his or her employer with acceptable documents evidencing identity and employment authorization. The employer must examine the employment eligibility and identity document(s) an employee presents to determine whether the document(s) reasonably appear to be genuine and to relate to the employee and record the document information on the Form I-9. The list of acceptable documents can be found on the last page of the form.

Since all employers must ensure proper completion of Form I-9, it is automatically incorporated as an internal task of the onboarding template.  However, administrators are still able to control at what point the employer portion of Form I-9 is triggered for action to take and designate who is responsible for its completion.

On the Task Details tab, administrators also have the option to either a) require the completion of a new Form I-9 when rehiring an employee or b) to only require the completion of Section 3 (when rehiring an employee within 3 years o completing the original form).

Employment ScreeningEmployment Screening

To utilize the Employment Screening capability, an Employment Screening API must for be activated for your company.  Click HERE to learn more about employment screening.

If activated and you wish to initiate background screening requests from ExponentHR during onboarding, select the screening packages from the displayed available options.

Action ItemAction Item

Dependent upon the position being filled or other company-wide requirements, the Action Item task may be used to appropriately delegate the remaining items that need to be completed.  As an example internally, this may be sent to other departments or individuals to ensure the new hire's desk is ready for first day of employment, the new hire has been provided security clearance, or ensuring all proper documents are uploaded to the new hire's record.  Externally, the action item could be assigned to a third-party or other source to perform actions such as ensuring uniforms are prepared, recruiter has populated the new hire's record fully, or other similar tasks.

When an Action Item is assigned, the recipient will have the option on their secure webpage to:


Website ContentWebsite Content

As part of the onboarding process, new employees will interact with a special website prior to their start of employment (upon effective date of hire, any remaining onboarding tasks will be handled through the ExponentHR website).  The type of interaction a new hire participates in is customizable and may even have pre-built conditions incorporated to ensure that the new hire is only seeing items related to them and the position being filled.  These interactions may include items such as filling out forms, acknowledging documents, watching videos, and more.

It is on the Website Content tab of the template configuration that administrators are able to design the layout and content of the candidate's onboarding portal site.  This is done by adding sections and choosing which element types to include within each section (both of which are unlimited).  Below is description of each type of element that is available for inclusion:  


The Text element provides the ability to create a custom message or set of instructions for the new hire  This could be a variety of things, such as a welcome message, instructions for when first arriving, or directions on where to park.  In this element is the option to include Keywords, which automatically inserts into the message specific values (supervisor name, location, department, etc.) that are applicable to the new hire.

Helpful Tip:  To personalize the message, use the Display Conditions feature to only show messages that are applicable to the respective job position, location, or other variable.

Document LinkDocument Link

The Document Link element may be used to present the new hire with important documents related to onboarding or employment for the organization (ex. employee handbook, benefit offering guide, forms).  Simply set how the link to the document should be displayed (display text, icon, and color) and select which existing document (from Document Management page) to have added to the onboarding section.

Helpful Tip:  If the desired document is not already part of your company's Document Management library, click the Upload New button to conveniently add the new document to the list of onboarding-related document library.


The URL element presents the new hire with a direct link to an alternate webpage (ex. company website).  The display of the URL may be customized by controlling the display text, icon, and color.

Helpful Tip:  Use the Preview Link button to test the entered internet link to ensure it presents the new hire with the correct destination.

Map LinkMap Link

The Map Link may be useful when wanting to provide the new hire an address and map to important destinations (ex. office location, where to pick up uniform, or where to park).  When activated, the Map Link defaults to display the new hire's work location.  This may be changed (or an additional location may be added through the inclusion of multiple Map Link elements in the section ) by selecting the Other Location option.

Helpful Tip:  If the new hire is set up with the "work at home" location, the employee's home address will be displayed by default.  If desired for such instances, use the Display Conditions to either hide this specific element or to use an alternate Map Link destination instead.

Embedded VideoEmbedded Video

To help welcome a new hire to your company, an embedded video element can be added to the new hire's onboarding site.  This could be a message from a company executive welcoming the new hire, a recorded tour of the work facility, or even introductory videos related to the training or guidelines associated with the position being filled.

Helpful Tip:  Click HERE for instructions regarding the embedding of various video types.

Coworker InformationCoworker Information

The Coworker Info element offers a great way to help introduce a new hire to those already employed within your organization.  The list of presented coworkers may be refined to fellow peers, those with the same designated classification field(s), direct supervisor, and/or HR personnel.  The information displayed is also customizable, letting administrators select which personnel record information to display (ex. names, job title, employee photo, etc.).

Helpful Tip:  Consider adding multiple titled sections with the Coworker Info element to help distinguish onboarding contacts (ex. HR personnel or supervisor) and fellow peers who the new hire will be working with daily.

Job Description LinkJob Description Link

To help ensure a new hire understands the full responsibilities of the position being filled, you may choose to add the Job Description Link element.  When available, this presents the new hire with the new hire's respective job description already uploaded into the Document Management page.

Helpful Tip:  If a job description is not yet linked to the position being filled, this may be added through Document Management.  Click HERE for detailed instructions.



When you initiate onboarding for an individual, you can choose to either send via email an offer letter (for the candidate to confirm the acceptance of employment) or an onboarding invitation (useful when acceptance of an offer has been received through a manual offer letter or other method).  

Offer Letter TemplateOffer Letter Template

Sending an offer letter through ExponentHR Onboarding is optional and can be enabled/disabled for any specific template.  When enabled, the Offer Letter Template section allows you to type the actual letter, include any attachments, and determine how long the offer will be valid for acceptance.  When sent, the candidate will receive via email a link that will present the user with an HTML version of the offer letter and the option to accept or decline.

Onboarding Invitation TemplateOnboarding Invitation Template

The Onboarding Invitation is an important part of the onboarding process as it provides the candidate access to the onboarding portal (where the user completes assigned tasks to become an employee for your organization) and should be retained by the candidate for continual re-entry to the portal (until start of employment).  The invitation is automatically sent as an email to the candidate upon acceptance of the offer letter or (if the offer letter is disabled) when onboarding is initiated for the individual.

Helpful Tip:  When typing either the offer letter or onboarding invitation, use the Keyword button to have the message automatically insert the applicable value for the employee (ex. candidate's first name, job position being filled, offered rate of pay, or supervisor's contact information).

5.   Upon making any changes to the template, click the Publish button to apply the changes immediately or the Save Draft button to record the changes to an inactivated template.



Related Help Topics:

Onboarding Dashboard

Onboarding Setup General Options

Onboarding Employment Screening

Onboarding Task Status Report