Benefits Enrollment/Eligibility Report

This report provides detailed information on both enrollment and eligibility for benefit plans. You may use the enrollment results to reconcile provider statements or to create self-billings. The eligibility option provides information on all employees eligible for a plan, regardless of whether or not the employee is actually enrolled in the plan at the specified time period.


To run this report:

1.   On the Menu, click Benefits > ReportsBenefits > Reports.

The ReportsReports menu will display.

2.   Click the Benefits Enrollment/EligibilityBenefits Enrollment/Eligibility link.

The Benefits Enrollment/EligibilityBenefits Enrollment/Eligibility page displays.

3.   Enter the Effective Date(s) for the specified time period in which you would like to view information on employee enrollment and eligibility for benefits plans in the Effective DateEffective Date fields.


4.   Select the type of plan on which you want to run the report by selecting the Single Plan, Plan Types, or Plan GroupsSingle Plan, Plan Types, or Plan Groups radio button, then select a plan type from the applicable drop-down box.

Only plans of the type you selected will be included in the report.


5.   Check the appropriate Covered PersonsCovered Persons checkboxes to limit your report to employee, spouse, and/or other dependents (you may check more than one box).

6.   Select a Show Cost AsShow Cost As radio button to report the cost of the plan to the employee per check, per month or per year.

7.   Select a CensusCensus radio button to generate a report for all employees enrolled in plans (Enrolled), all employees not enrolled (Not Enrolled), all employees eligible for plans (All Eligible) or all employees at your company (All Employees).

8.   If necessary, select a specific employee from the EmployeeEmployee drop-down box to view an enrollment/eligibility report for that employee only.

Note: Leave the field set to All Employees to view a report including all employees at your company.

9.   To format the report by grouping, sorting, or filtering the results, see the Related Help Topics.

10. If necessary, select additional display options for the report from the Report Options checkboxes.


11. If necessary, designate the optional fields you would like included in the report by checking the checkbox by each optional field in the Additional FieldsAdditional Fields section of the report.

Checking the Optional Fields check boxes will add/suppress additional columns from the formatted results.

Note: If you check the Department, Location, Job Title, or Union Name checkboxes, you may also check the Code checkbox to the right of each checkbox to include the code for each department, location, or job title in the report.

12. Click the Generate ReportGenerate Report button.

Result: The report you selected displays in a new window with the options you selected.



Related Help Topics:

Generating and Formatting a Report

Generating a Report Using a Template