Glossary of Management Access Rights

There are many functional utilities, reports, and eAction Notices (EANs) in ExponentHR to which management employees can be granted access. You may grant employees access to these management access rights using the Grant Access Rights function.

Note: Some rights will only be available if the function is turned on for your organization by ExponentHR.


Functional Utilities

3rd-Party Pay3rd-Party Pay

The Third-Party Pay utility allows you to report any taxable and non-taxable employee compensation paid directly to an employee by a third party, including any taxes withheld

Allocation Setup (if applicable)Allocation Setup (if applicable)

The Allocation Setup utility allows management level users to create and modify employee default allocations as well as select specific cost centers that can be selected during a time punch override.

Arrearage ManagementArrearage Management

The Arrearage Management tool allows you to override the per-check arrearage payment amount and adjust balances, as well as create new earnings or deduction arrearage payments. This utility is located by navigating Wage & Tax > Applications > Payroll Management and then clicking the Arrearage Management link.

Batch ManagementBatch Management

The payroll Batch Management utility should be used to view the current pending payroll batch and to view prior batches posted within the last 90 days. This utility is located by navigating Wage & Tax > Applications.

Check Printing SetupCheck Printing Setup

The Check Printing Setup utility allows you define the default printing and shipping control options that are applied to all regular and Off-Cycle payroll batches (unless overridden on the batch level).  This utility is located by navigating Wage & Tax > Payroll Management > Check Printing Setup.

Company Code ManagementCompany Code Management

The Company Code Management utility allows an employee to view, print, and edit codes currently used by your organization, and add new codes as needed.

Company Notification SetupCompany Notification Setup

The utility allows employees to post Company Notices to the Welcome page of ExponentHR, set up Event-Driven Notifications, and create Message Center Notifications that can require acknowledgement. Employees with grant access to this utility will be able to send notifications to all employees in the organization, not just those to whom they have access. This utility is located by navigating Home > Message Center > Company Notification.

Create a SurveyCreate a Survey

The Create a Survey utility will provide an employee with access to create customized surveys and distribute surveys to employees. This utility is located by navigating Communication > Survey Management.

Custom Employee TablesCustom Employee Tables

The Custom Employe Tables functional utility right provides you the ability to navigate to the Custom Employee Tables utility.  There, you can view  all custom tables that have been made available to you via a) default rights assigned through the configuration of the custom table or b) specifically granted through the Custom Table section of your grant access rights.  Additionally, the option to edit the information in an employee's custom table may be granted in the configuration of the table or the user's rights.

This utility is located by navigating HR Administration > Custom Employee Tables.

Document ManagementDocument Management

The Document Management utility allows employees to upload company documents to ExponentHR and make them accessible to all employees. Employees with this management access right can set up folders, add uploaded documents to the folders, and post the folders on a selection of Web pages in either the Personal or Management views.

EAN System AdministratorEAN System Administrator

The EAN System Administrator functional utility rights allows you to designate any eAction Notice (EAN) fields that do not need any review upon submission.  You may also notate certain EAN fields that require additional action items before completion (ex informing employee to provide updated copy of a driver's license if updating the expiration date).  This utility is located by navigating to HR Administration > eAction Notice > Options.

Edit Meal SchedulesEdit Meal Schedules

The ExponentHR Meal Scheduler utility allows you to automate scheduled employee meal breaks for many hourly employees at one time. This utility is located by navigating to Wage & Tax > Payroll Management > Edit Meal Schedules.

Employee Personnel RecordsEmployee Personnel Records

The Employee Personnel Records lookup is a quick overview of the employee personal information currently on file. This utility is located by navigating HR Administration > Personnel Reports.

Employee Record De-IdentifierEmployee Record De-Identifier

The Employee Record De-Identifier utility allows employers to anonymize personally identifiable information in eligible terminated records. When performed, all selected fields stored in the user's personnel record, EAN history, and available reports are overwritten or erased. This action is irreversible and results in all surviving data being disassociated from the individual whom the personnel record was regarding. This utility is located by navigating HR Administration > Employee Record De-Identifier.

Expense Administration (if applicable)Expense Administration (if applicable)

Expense Administration allows a management level employee to access Expense Approval with the ability to post approved expense requests to payroll and manage expense reporting setup. This should be the individual(s) responsible for matching up reports to receipts and executing final approval.

Expense Approval (if applicable)Expense Approval (if applicable)

Expense Approval allows a manager to access Expense Approval with the ability to approve and reject expense requests from all employees reporting to them in the OSM tree.

Garnishment AdministrationGarnishment Administration

The Garnishment Administration utility allows you to view, create, and modify garnishments based on orders you receive for employees.

GL ManagementGL Management

The General Ledger Management utility provides full administration rights to generate general ledger files and manage the account mapping.

Grant Access - LimitedGrant Access - Limited

Allow a user to set up Grant Access rights without HR Administrator Rights.  This function will remain limited to the 'Employee Access' employee view restrictions set for this user.

Grant Access - UnlimitedGrant Access - Unlimited

Allows a user to set up Grant Access rights without HR Administrator Rights. This access will override the 'Employee Access' restrictions (except for the Company filter) and permit the user to access/edit every other user's Grant Access setup rights (regardless of position within organization).

Incident TrackingIncident Tracking

The Incident Tracking utility allows you to view, create, and modify job-related injuries/illnesses incident reports that are recorded for OSHA filing purposes.

Incident Tracking AdministrationIncident Tracking Administration

When used in conjunction with the Incident Tracking functional access rights, users will have an administrative view of the Incident Tracking utility and can modify any custom questions and/or value options in select drop-down lists.

Message CenterMessage Center

By default, access to view messages delivered to employees via Message Center is provided to HR Administrator and HR Function users.  Other managers may voluntarily be provided visibility to the Message Center utility by selecting the Message Center functional utility access type.

Off-Cycle Payroll BatchOff-Cycle Payroll Batch

This utility will allow a user to request an off cycle check. This utility includes access to each employee’s Paid Leave information, recurring deductions and earnings and Time Clock Information.

Onboarding AdministratorOnboarding Administrator

The Onboarding Administrator rights provides a users with the ability to create and manage the tools associated with onboarding new employees and contractors.

Onboarding Coordinator/ManagerOnboarding Coordinator/Manager

The Onboarding utility provides an easy way to go through the steps needed to hire a new employees.  This includes items such as sending an offer letter, gathering candidate information, electronically signing forms, and much more.  This role provides users the ability to initiate the onboarding process for a new candidate.

Organizational ManagementOrganizational Management

The OSM utility provides a management tool for the designation of positional relationships between employees and supervisors. Changes to employee positions and/or supervisors can be completed through an EAN change request or directly through this OSM utility. This utility is located by navigating HR Administration > Organizational Management.

Paid Leave Accrual ManagementPaid Leave Accrual Management

ExponentHR's Paid Leave Accrual Management Tool allows you to override employee eligibility for paid leave plans, change seniority dates for eligibility, and change the rate at which employees accrue paid leave, among other options.

Paid Leave InfoPaid Leave Info

The Paid Leave Info functional utility provides access to three detailed reports relating to company paid leave plans. These reports can be located by navigating Wage & Tax > Reports.

Employee Paid Leave Summary — Use this utility to view detailed paid leave information for a designated employee.

Paid Leave Status Report — Use the Paid Leave Status report to view the hours used and available for each employee within each active paid leave plan. The detailed report will include carryover balances, accrued hours, hours taken, and remaining hours available for each individual plan type.

Exempt Leave Reporting Status — Use the Exempt Leave Reporting Status utility to view the Reporting Status for Exempt Employees with regard to their Paid Leave submissions.

Password ManagementPassword Management

The Password Management utility allows administrators to set ”r;strong password” complexity that matches their company’s security requirements. They can also set password duration requirements, set lockout and time-out rules, and maintain user login accounts. This utility is located by navigating HOME > Grant Access > Password Management.

Payroll AdjustmentsPayroll Adjustments

Use the Payroll Adjustments utility to batch process supplemental pay or deductions into the time clock system for multiple employees. Common submissions through payroll adjustments are bonuses and commissions.

All items posted through Payroll Adjustments will immediately appear as a bottom line adjustment to pay in each applicable employee's 'Misc Adjustment' section of the Time Clock Reporting tool.

This utility is located under Wage & Tax > Applications > Payroll Management.

Payroll FundingPayroll Funding

Use the utility to provide access to the Payroll Funding Summary report.

This report is located under Wage & Tax > Reports > Payroll Funding.

Performance AdministrationPerformance Administration

By assigning a manager with Performance Administration rights, that user will be granted the ability to create and manage all aspects regarding the performance management cycle (including setting up review templates, standard corporate schedule, cascading goals, and more).

Additionally, users designated with the Performance Administration role automatically receive full visibility to all performance reviews for all employees within your organization.  This includes the ability to create, submit, approve, post, and deliver reviews to any employee (regardless of position on the organizational tree).  

This utility is located by navigating HR Administration > Applications > Performance Management.

Performance Administration (Restrict)Performance Administration (Restrict)

A management user granted Performance Administrator (Restrict) receive the same functions as a Performance Administrator, but only have visibility to employees to whom they are already capable of viewing. (The other non-restricted Performance Administrator role option provides visibility to all employees)


This utility is located by navigating HR Administration > Applications > Performance Management.

Plan SetupPlan Setup

The Benefit Plan Setup utility provides your organization with detailed visibility to the rules and settings for the health and welfare benefit plans offered to your employees.  Additionally, users with access to this utility are able to use this resource to review any pending plan setup changes for the upcoming plan year and to provide an electronic approval of the changes prior to their promotion to the live websites. This utility is located by navigating Benefits > Applications > Plan Setup.

Portal ManagementPortal Management

The Benefits Portal Management utility in ExponentHR notifies administrators when an employee completes a benefit plan transaction and provides a list of changes for them to review and then manually process through the carrier's Web portal. This utility is located by navigating Benefits > Portal Management > Dashboard.

Quick ListQuick List

The QuickList utility provides the ability to create custom lists based on the specific employee criteria in the following categories:

• Employee Info

• Address/Contact Info

• Work Status

• Employment

• Payroll

• Performance Review

This utility is located by navigating HR Administration > Reports.

Recurring ItemsRecurring Items

Use the Recurring Items utility to create/modify recurring earnings & deductions, as well as to supplement/modify employee per-period benefit deductions. The utility is also used for retirement plan loan deductions and deferral adjustments. This utility is located by navigating Wage & Tax > Applications > Payroll Management.

Retroactive PayRetroactive Pay

The Retroactive Pay Calculator will determine the total amount of pay differential between an employee's old and new pay rate and apply that rate to all hours previously paid within a defined date range.

This report tool should be used to calculate a lump sum pay adjustment for an employee when the employee's pay raise is implemented after the desired effective date has already passed.

This utility is located by navigating Wage & Tax > Applications > Payroll Management.

Tax FilingTax Filing

Tax Filing gives users access to a utility that lets them generate four different tax filing reports:

Company Profile

Deposit History

Deposit Analysis

Liability Analysis

Time Clock ImportTime Clock Import

The time clock import utility is designed for companies whose employees use a third party time clock to record their time. An administrator must set up a Time Clock Import template, upload the Time Clock Import file, and then import the time clock punches. This utility is located by navigating WAGE & TAX > Applications > Payroll Management and then clicking the Time Clock Import link.

Time Clock Review-Hours & DollarsTime Clock Review-Hours & Dollars

Time Clock Review containing hours and dollars allows management personnel to review, edit, print, and approve worked and paid leave hours for employees they have been assigned. This utility will also allow the manager to see any Misc. Adjustments and Supplemental Pay that has been added to the employee’s pay for a particular pay period. This utility is located by navigating Wage & Tax > Applications.

Time Clock Review-Hours OnlyTime Clock Review-Hours Only

Time Clock Review containing hours only allows management personal to review, edit, print, and approve worked and paid leave hours for employees they have been assigned. This utility is located by navigating Wage & Tax > Applications.

Time Kiosk Setup (if applicable)Time Kiosk Setup (if applicable)

Time Kiosk Setup is used to activate a new computer terminal, or reset a terminal for Kiosk use. This utility is located by navigating Wage & Tax > Applications > Payroll Management.

Total Compensation SetupTotal Compensation Setup

Managers with access to the setup of this report will be able to customize what the Total Compensation Statement includes. They will have the option of excluding certain sections and editing the title, description, and disclaimer text in the sections that remain.

Variable Pay Administration (if applicable)Variable Pay Administration (if applicable)

This utility will allow a user to set up and edit the rates that are associated with each job that can be selected by an employee in cost allocation. Those with access rights can also use this utility to set piece-work pay rates when the pay method for an employee is by the piece (or mile) rather than by the hour.

View Survey ResultsView Survey Results

The View Survey Results utility will provide an employee with access to view and stratify the results of published surveys. This utility is located by navigating HR Administration > Reports > Survey Management.


Management Reports

Benefits Enrollment / Eligibility Reports

Benefits Enrollment/EligibilityBenefits Enrollment/Eligibility

The Benefits Enrollment/Eligibility Report provides detailed information on both enrollment and eligibility for benefit plans.  The enrollment results can be used to reconcile provider statements or to create self-billings.  The eligibility option provides information on all employees eligible for a plan regardless of whether or not they are actually enrolled in the plan at the specified time period.

Retirement Annual CensusRetirement Annual Census

The Retirement Annual Census report provides a summary of all employees currently enrolled in the company’s retirement income deferral program.  Information provided in the report includes retirement contributions, loans, and employer match data.

Retirement Contribution HistoryRetirement Contribution History

The Retirement Contribution History report provides a summary of all employees currently enrolled in the company’s retirement income deferral program.  Information provided in the report includes retirement contributions and employer match data.

Enrollment Diagnostic ReportEnrollment Diagnostic Report

The Open Enrollment Diagnostic Report is used to identify all eligible employees who have triggered a specific diagnostic through the benefits open enrollment process.

Some examples of diagnostic events are as follows:

• Invalid SSN/Dependent DOB

• Duplicate SSN in plan

• Missing PCP/Provider ID

• Missing Beneficiary Designation

Dependents ReportDependents Report

The report displays all dependent information for an employee or group of employees. Employees with access to this report can generate a comprehensive report that includes each dependent’s name and address, relationship to the employee, date of birth, social security number, gender, and full-time student, smoker, or handicapped status.

Beneficiary ReportBeneficiary Report

The report displays all designated primary and secondary beneficiaries for plans with beneficiaries. Based on a specified plan and enrollment date (or date range), the report provides a list of beneficiary information for all employees enrolled in the selected plan on the selected date(s). This will help in monitoring who has completed the beneficiary designation process for either basic life and/or supplemental life.

Benefits Loss of CoverageBenefits Loss of Coverage

This report provides detailed information on loss of coverage events for benefit plans.  The results can be used to assist in monitoring/managing COBRA, State Continuation, Conversion and/or Portability events.

The report provides all enrolled participants who have experienced a loss of coverage within the specified date range, including a general description of the cause (ie. termination, death, administrative override, dependent age, etc.).  In some instances, additional research may be necessary to determine the root cause for the loss of coverage.

Open Enrollment Confirmation StatementsOpen Enrollment Confirmation Statements

Use this utility to generate detailed Open Enrollment election statements suitable for printing.

These statements contain each employee's plan elections specified at the time of the final Open Enrollment Submission. Subsequent plan election changes (made subsequent to the Open Enrollment process) will not be reflected on the statement.

Full-Time EquivalencyFull-Time Equivalency

This report calculates, on a calendar month basis, the total number of “full-time employees” plus the total number of “full-time equivalents” in that calendar month.  The government uses a threshold of hours worked or paid (ex. 120 hours) to determine whether or not an employee is “full-time” in a given month.  Any employee working at or over that threshold is considered as one full-time employee.  Any employee who does not meet that threshold, but who works or is paid for hours in the month, earns a fractional count toward a “full-time equivalent” count (ex. hours counted / 120 = fractional count toward FTE).  For each month, the total number of full-time employees and the grand total of full-time equivalents equals your company’s Monthly FTE Total.

1095-C Reporting (Administrator)1095-C Reporting (Administrator)

When this option is selected, the user will be provided with access to the 1095-C Compliance Reporting Tool with no employee access restrictions applied to the user (within the tool).  The user will have access to all companies and all persons within each company.   The user will also have access to all features included in the tool.

1095-C Reporting (Limited Approver)1095-C Reporting (Limited Approver)

When this option is selected, the user will have significant restrictions within the 1095-C Compliance Reporting tool.  The user will only have visibility to those employees included in that person’s normal “Get Employees Assigned To” group, as defined in the employee’s Grant Access rights (Employee Access tab) + Manually added “Non-Employee” records created by the user him/herself. The user will only be able to review, edit, print, and “Approve” employees in the tool, and only prior to the Finalize and Submit process.

Equal Employment Opportunity Reports

New Hires w/ EEO InformationNew Hires w/ EEO Information

The New Hires w/ EEO Information report is a variation of the standard ’r;New Hire’ report, including additional employee personal data specific to Equal Employment Opportunity analysis.

Terminations w/ EEO InformationTerminations w/ EEO Information

The Terminations w/ EEO Information report is a variation of the standard ’r;Terminations’ report, including additional employee personal data specific to Equal Employment Opportunity analysis.

Rehired Terminations w/ EEO InformationRehired Terminations w/ EEO Information

The Rehired Terminations w/ EEO Information report is a variation of the standard ’r;Rehired Terminations’ report, including additional employee personal data specific to Equal Employment Opportunity analysis.

EEO-1 HeadcountEEO-1 Headcount

The EEO-1 Headcount report provides employee information in the government specified EEO-1 format.  The government mandates the filing of this form for all employers with more than 100 employees.

File Feeds

Electronic File Feed StatusElectronic File Feed Status

The Electronic File Feed Status allows you to view the status of any files generated by ExponentHR for use by a third party system, such as for benefits enrollment transactions and other types of data exports. The report provides a list of file feeds, their status, the last day they were sent, and the next day they are scheduled to run. (It does not provide access to the content of the files.)

HR Administration Reports

New Hire Budget/AnalysisNew Hire Budget/Analysis

The New Hire Budget/Analysis report provides a list of all employees newly hired within a defined date range.  Annualized salary information and current employment status are also included in the report.

Terminations Budget/AnalysisTerminations Budget/Analysis

The Terminations Budget/Analysis report provides a list of all employees who have terminated employment within a defined date range.  Annualized salary information, current status (for rehires), tenure, and reason for termination are also included in the report.

Rehired Terminations Budget/AnalysisRehired Terminations Budget/Analysis

The Rehired Terminations Budget/Analysis report provides a list of all employees who have been rehired within a defined date range, after a previous termination with the same employer. Annualized salary information, current employment status, original hire date, and prior termination date are included in the report.


The Turnover report provides an analysis of the number of terminated employees within a group’s total active employee count for the specified month (monthly turnover rate). The report also provides an annualized turnover rate average for all months included in the report.

Paid Leave AnalysisPaid Leave Analysis

The Paid Leave Analysis report provides a summary list of all employee paid leave accrual information, including type of plan, hours accrued, hours taken, and hours available. Use this report to create a compiled summary of available paid leave for a specific group of employees.

Leave AdministrationLeave Administration

The Leave Administration report provides information on employees placed ’r;On Leave’ within a defined date range. Use this report to generate a list of employees on extended leave, including the type of leave, leave duration, and return date (if applicable).

EAN Activity ReportEAN Activity Report

The EAN Activity report provides an auditable trail of each EAN’s activity from creation to completion, including the time and user involved in creation, submission, approval, and completion.

Employee Change HistoryEmployee Change History

Using the Employee Change History report, users are now able to view all changes made within a specific date range to a wide variety of employee fields.

Status ChangeStatus Change

The Status Change report provides a summary of all employee records where a specific type of account change has been executed within a defined date range.  Specific changes include:

• Pay Rate

• Department/Division

• Job code

• New-hire, Re-hire, Termination

• Leave

• FLSA Status

• Pay Method

Custom Employee Tables (if applicable)Custom Employee Tables (if applicable)

This report will display the entry results from the Custom Tables that have been set up for your company.  

Miscellaneous Reports

New HiresNew Hires

This report provides a list of all employees newly hired within a defined date range. Hire date and current employment status are included in the report.


This report provides a list of all employees who have terminated employment within a defined date range, including, current status (for rehires), tenure, and reason for termination.

Rehired TerminationsRehired Terminations

This report provides a list of all employees who have been rehired within a defined date range, after a previous termination with the same employer. Current employment status, original hire date, and prior termination date are included in the report.

Years of ServiceYears of Service

This report provides tenure information for all employees within the organization. Use this report to perform analysis on staff experience by department, job title, location, or other employee classes.


This report provides employment anniversary date information for all employees within the organization.  Use the report to create a summary of employee anniversary dates for use in recognition programs or other business purposes.

Emergency ContactEmergency Contact

This report provides a summary list of current Emergency Contacts designated for each employee within the organization, including contact name, telephone number, and relationship to the employee.  


This report provides a summary list of current contact information designated for each employee within the organization, including employee address, telephone number, and email address.


This report provides a summary list of current home telephone number information designated for each employee within the organization.


This report provides a summary list of birthday information (excluding year of birth) for each employee within the organization.

Mailing LabelsMailing Labels

This report provides a summary list of employee address information that can be used with Excel and MSWord to create formatted labels.

Wage & Tax Reports

Compensation AnalysisCompensation Analysis

The Compensation Analysis report provides comparative analysis of compensation for two user-defined periods. The report will include all pay types, or can be tailored to a specific type (e.g. overtime). Use this report to analyze compensation by department, job title, tenure, or other employee criteria.

Salary AnalysisSalary Analysis

The Salary Analysis report provides analysis of current salary level for all applicable employees within the organization.  Use this report to compare salary compensation by department, job title, location, or other employee criteria.

Pay TypePay Type

The Pay Type report provides analysis of specific forms of compensation (such as Overtime, Bonus, etc). Use this report to review Pay Type compensation allocated to groups or individuals within your organization for a specified time period.

Deduction TypeDeduction Type

The Deduction Type report provides analysis of specific forms of deductions (such as 401(k), FSA, Garnishment, Medical, etc). Use this report to review Deduction Type amounts allocated to groups or individuals within your organization for a specified time period.

Tax TypeTax Type

The Tax Type report provides analysis of specific forms of employee paid taxes (such as Federal, State and City withholding, Medicare, etc). Use this report to review Tax Type deductions allocated to groups or individuals within your organization for a specified time period.

Contribution TypeContribution Type

The Contribution Type report provides analysis of specific forms of Contribution (such as 401(k) Match, etc).  Use this report to review Contribution Type amounts allocated to groups or individuals within your organization for a specified time period.

Employer Payroll TaxesEmployer Payroll Taxes

The Employer Payroll Taxes report provides analysis of specific forms of employer payroll taxes (such as FICA, FUTA, etc). Use this report to review tax amounts allocated to groups or individuals within your organization for a specified time period.

Check RegisterCheck Register

The Check Register report provides check register details. Use this report to reconcile bank statements to all employee payroll payments within your organization (including garnishments) for a specified time period.

Tips - Minimum Wage ShortfallTips - Minimum Wage Shortfall

The Tips - Minimum Wage Shortfall report provides data for calculating minimum wage gross-up (in arrears) based on data from previous pay periods. It shows hours worked at a rate below minimum wage, base hourly wages for those hours, unit based pay included in the minimum wage gross up calculation, reported tips, and allocated tips per pay period for selected employees for a specified pay date range.

Tips as a Percent of SalesTips as a Percent of Sales

The Tips as a Percent of Sales report serves two purposes. Before managers approve time, they will be able to use the report to identify employees who are possibly under-reporting their tips and correct the reported amount. After managers approve time, the report will allow Payroll to calculate any tips that the employer is assigning to the employee and add the allocated tips as miscellaneous adjustments to the batch.

Form 8027 WorksheetForm 8027 Worksheet

The Form 2087 Worksheet provides information for the Accounting Department to prepare Form 8027 for each establishment at the end of the year. You can generate summary results for each establishment by using the Group By options. The report is very similar to the Tips as a Percent of Sales report, except that it uses voucher data instead of Time Clock data.

W-4 WithholdingW-4 Withholding

This report provides current withholding elections for employees.  The report will list all Federal, State, and Local tax authorities, and will include overrides and adjustments.

Batch Pay RegisterBatch Pay Register

This report provides detailed payroll check register information for a selected payroll cycle.  Incuded are the month/quarter/year-to-date amounts of each code on the selected payroll cycle.

Paid Leave Liability AnalysisPaid Leave Liability Analysis

The Paid Leave Liability Analysis report provides a summary view of current accruals and usage for each type of Paid Leave available within the organization. Use this report to track the amount of paid leave hours used this year, as well as the total amount of paid leave hours outstanding (with corresponding hourly wage rate). Reports can be generated per employee, department, or other group.

Time ClockTime Clock

The Time Clock report provides analysis of Time Clock details for all applicable employees within the organization.  

Time Clock AuditTime Clock Audit

The Time Clock Audit report provides analysis of Time Clock punch data for non-exempt employees, comparing the reported time to the actual time of each punch.

Employee Check StubsEmployee Check Stubs

Use the Check Stubs option in Management Reports to view all recent check stubs for a specific employee

Once an employee is selected, each 'Check Number' listed in the far left column is a hyperlink to a viewable version of each check.

Trend AnalysisTrend Analysis

Use the Trend Analysis report to review payroll wage or deduction history for a group of employees stratified between specified periods. Available periods are Yearly, Monthly, and the designated Pay Periods for all active Pay Groups within the company.

Payroll RegisterPayroll Register

This report provides Year-To-Date (YTD) Payroll Register information, similar to the 'Employee Pay Inquiry' screen.

Payroll AccrualPayroll Accrual

This report will help organizations reflect payroll expenses as accurately as possible in their G/L journal entries. Accrual entries are typically used with pay cycles that do not coincide with the end of the month. The entry is an estimate of the payroll expenses for the remainder of the month that have been incurred, but not yet paid.

The Payroll Accrual report will figure the necessary accrual entries by calculating the estimated payroll earnings, deductions, and taxes for a specified time period, based on a ”look-back period” in which earnings, deductions, and taxes have already been paid. Essentially, the report uses past data to predict future payroll expenses.

Direct Deposit EnrollmentDirect Deposit Enrollment

Accessible through Wage & Tax > Management Reports, the report displays enrollment details for all employees using direct deposit. For each of these employees, the report shows the direct deposit status (active or pre-note), bank name, the method for determining the deposit amount, and the routing number/account number for each type of account (savings or checking).

Employee Total CompensationEmployee Total Compensation

This will generate a Total Compensation Statement for a specific employee. Information on each individual employee's total compensation is available on the Personal View of ExponentHR for that  employee to view, but can be accessed from the Management View for those managers who need to review this information with their employees.  

Time and Billing (if applicable)Time and Billing (if applicable)

If activated for your company, use the Time and Billing report to access specific detail of employee time allocation(s) to specific project/cost centers in your company.

Variable Pay Allocation (if applicable)Variable Pay Allocation (if applicable)

If activated for your company, use this report to provide an analysis of applicable variable pay rates based on the reported hours and associated allocation of those hours.  

Employee Time Allocation (if applicable)Employee Time Allocation (if applicable)

If activated for your company, use this report to provide detailed employee time clock allocation data for the current payroll period.

Note: This data is only accurate for the current payroll period. To obtain employee cost allocation data for completed/historical pay periods, use the Wage & Tax Pay Type Report.

Contractor allocationContractor allocation

Use this report to provide detailed contractor time clock allocation data for the current payroll period.

Note: This data is only accurate for the current payroll period. To obtain contractor cost allocation data for completed/historical pay periods, use the Wage & Tax Pay Type Report.

Workplace Safety Reports

Workers' Compensation AuditWorkers' Compensation Audit

The Workers’ Compensation Audit provides a report of earnings tied to specific Workers’ compensations codes for a designated period.

Workers' Compensation CensusWorkers' Compensation Census

The Workers’ Compensation Census provides a current summary view of employee workers’ compensation information, including w/c code, work state, current salary/wage rate, and the cumulative amount of w/c eligible earnings received in the past 12 months.

WA State Industrial Insurance ReportWA State Industrial Insurance Report

The WA State Industrial Insurance report is for employers who are mandated to participate in the Industrial Insurance Fund. These employers are obligated to complete and file a quarterly report to the state, which includes the gross wages and hours worked for each employee working in the state, grouped by Workers Comp code.

OSHA ReportsOSHA Reports

The OSHA Reports allows you to have system-generated OSHA forms created based on the information provided in the Incident Tracking utility.

Incident Analysis ReportIncident Analysis Report

The Incident Analysis Report provides a report of all job-related injuries/illnesses reported  in the Incident Tracking utility.


eAction Notices (EAN)

Change Personal InformationChange Personal Information

The Change Personal Information EAN includes personal employee data such as:

• Name

• Addresses

• Telephone

• Emergency contact

Change Employment InformationChange Employment Information

The Change Employment Information EAN includes employee work and payroll related data. Use this EAN to adjust the following employee information:

• Seniority date

• Pay method

• Employment type

• Standard hours

• Federal, State, Locality payroll tax withholding information

• New (forwarding) address detail

Employee TerminationEmployee Termination

The Employee Termination EAN begins the process to remove an employee from payroll and HR systems and place the employee in terminated status. Data captured in the Termination EAN include:

• Involuntary/Voluntary reason code

• Termination date

• Final paycheck data

Pay Rate ChangePay Rate Change

The Pay Rate Change EAN initiates a request to adjust the employee's rate of pay. Data required in this EAN include:

• New Pay Rate

• Effective Date

• Reason Code

Job ChangeJob Change

Use the Job Change EAN to update employee's job assignment information. This EAN also allows you to modify employee pay information, thus reducing the need to complete an associated pay rate change EAN. Data included in this EAN include:

• Job code

• Supervisor

• Department

• Location

• Pay rate

• Pay group

New Hire EnrollmentNew Hire Enrollment

Initiates request to enroll a new employee to payroll and HR systems, subject to a specified effective date. The New Hire enrollment EAN page contains all information you can enter for an employee in ExponentHR. Data that can be identified in this EAN include:

• Personal Information

• Home Address

• OSM Position Assignment

• Employment/Payroll Information

• Job Information

• W4 data

• Direct deposit advice

• Auto/License information, etc.


Initiates request to rehire "Terminated" employee in payroll and HR systems, subject to a specified effective date. Data required in this EAN include:

• Re-hire date

• New position


Initiates request to reactivate "On-Leave" employee in payroll and HR systems, subject to a specified effective date.

• Reactivation date

• Reason for return from leave

• Employment type


Initiates request to place an Active employee on an extended Leave of Absence, subject to a specified effective date. Required fields in this EAN include:

• Date of leave

• Type of leave

• Disability type

• FMLA type

Direct Deposit AuthorizationDirect Deposit Authorization

The Direct Deposit Authorization EAN is used to enroll an employee in the direct deposit payroll system, change an employee's existing direct deposit allocation, or to remove an employee from the direct deposit system.

401(k) Deductions401(k) Deductions

Use the 401(k) Deduction EAN to set up or modify an employee's 401(k) payroll deduction for a qualified retirement plan.

You can also control the employee’s participation in the Over 50 401(k) Catch-up Program.

Misc HR/Payroll NotificationMisc HR/Payroll Notification

Send a miscellaneous descriptive text notification or request to the HR/Payroll group within your organization.

Misc Notification to ExponentHRMisc Notification to ExponentHR

Send a descriptive text notification to the Payroll Processing Group at ExponentHR.

New Hire Authorization RequestNew Hire Authorization Request

Managers use this EAN to request the HR dept. to initiate the process necessary to enroll a New Employee in ExponentHR. The New Hire Authorization Request provides the manager with fields to enter data in the following categories:

• Personal Information

• Home Address

• OSM Position Assignment

• Employment/Payroll Information

• Job Information

Re-Organization (OSM)Re-Organization (OSM)

The Re-Organization (OSM) EAN is used to re-assign an employee to a new supervisor while still maintaining the employee's existing job position.

Consultant / Contractor AccessConsultant / Contractor Access

Use the Consultant/Contractor Access EAN to create ExponentHR site access for any person not employed by your company.  You will be required to identify the following:

• Expiration date of ExponentHR access

• Name

• Birth Date

• Gender

• Address

• Work Location

• EEO class code

New Position RequestNew Position Request

Use the New Position Request EAN to send a documented request to have a new (unfilled) position added to your organizational structure tree.

This request will be reviewed by your internal HR department and may be used to communicate the need for additional personnel in a particular area.



Exports/Uploads & EDI

Benefit FilesBenefit Files

This folder contains the benefit-related documents that are uploaded for your organization's review (and possible uploading to carrier website).

Note:  In most cases, newly prepared files will alternatively be made avaialble through the EDI Utility (see below).

ExponentHR InvoicesExponentHR Invoices

This folder contains all invoices and billing information in regards to ExponentHR services.

ExponentHR SSAE ReportsExponentHR SSAE Reports

This folder contains the annual SSAE report provided by ExponentHR (along with providing users the ability to self-generate SSAE Gap Letters).

Flexible Spending AccountFlexible Spending Account

Any document related to a company's Flexible Spending Accounts is uploaded to this folder.

General LedgerGeneral Ledger

This folder contains the General Ledger file that is created for your organization to then upload into their accounting software.

MIS FilesMIS Files

The Management Information Services folder contains notices received by ExponentHR from a third-party and require your attention.  

Examples include: Reported social security number issues, notices from garnishment authorities, and failed direct deposit transactions.

Retirement PlanRetirement Plan

Any document related to a company's 401(k)/403(b) retirement plan is uploaded here. At each payroll a file is generated for your organization to post to your provider (if applicable). These files contain enrolled employees, period contributions, match, and other information that may be required by your vendor.

Service & Tech BulletinsService & Tech Bulletins

This folder contains Service & Technology Bulletins posted by ExponentHR that announce newly released or upcoming system enhancements.

EDI UtilityEDI Utility

The EDI Utility is made up of multiple folders containing the system-generated file feeds that are created to directly transmit benefit election information to the carrier or made available for your organization's review and/or forwarding to the carrier.



Managing Manager PIN and Management Site Access Restrictions