The Offer Status Report provides a convenient way to review all of the employment offers sent within a specified date range. The results include the current status of the offer (ex. accepted, declined) as well as any comments provided by the former candidate upon declining an offer. This may provide your organization great insight into any trends related to successful recruiting or declines for particular locations, departments, or job positions. For new hires who have completed the onboarding process, the displayed employment demographic information (supervisor, department, etc.) reflect the historical value at the time of onboarding, which will aid with any further analysis.
To run this report:
1. On the Menu, click HR Administration > Employee OnboardingHR Administration > Employee Onboarding.
The Onboarding DashboardOnboarding Dashboard displays.
2. Select the Offer Status Report from the Options drop-down list menu.
The Employment Offer Status ReportEmployment Offer Status Report page displays.
3. Select the date range for which the results should reflect (displays those offers sent within the specified date range).
4. Select the current offer statuses by checking the appropriate boxes
5. To format the report by grouping, sorting, or filtering the results, see the Related Help Topic.
6. Click the Generate Report button.
Result: The report you selected displays in a new window with the options you selected.
You may print the report by clicking the Print button.
You may close the report by clicking the Close button.
Related Help Topics: