Working with Group Review Schedules

Instead of the Standard Corporate Review schedule, you have the option of setting up review schedules intended for particular groups of employees.

Note: Before you can create Group Review Schedules, you must create at least one employee group. See Related Help Topics at the bottom of this page for more information.

Your corporate sales force receives quarterly bonuses based on their performance during the quarter. In order for the managers to evaluate their performance, you first set up an employee group for Sales then assign the group to a new review schedule with periodic (quarterly) reviews.


To create a Group Review Schedule for performance reviews independent of the Standard Corporate Review schedule:

1.   On the Management Navigation Bar, click HR ADMINISTRATION > Applications > Performance ManagementHR ADMINISTRATION > Applications > Performance Management.

The Performance ManagementPerformance Management page displays.

2.   Select the Performance Administrator ViewPerformance Administrator View radio button.

New options display on the page.

Note: If you do not have Performance Administrator rights, this radio button will not be visible.

3.   Click the Schedule and Allocation Budget SetupSchedule and Allocation Budget Setup link under Performance Setup.

The Schedule and Allocation Budget SetupSchedule and Allocation Budget Setup page displays.

4.   Click the Add ScheduleAdd Schedule button on the Group Schedule table.

The Group Schedule Setup page displays, and the Select GroupsSelect Groups popup displays by default.

5.   Highlight each employee group you want to include in the Group Review Schedule from the Available box, then click the right arrowright arrow button to add that employee group to the Selected box.

All employee groups you place in the Selected box will be included in the Group Review Schedule you create.

Note: Select employee groups in the Selected box and click the left arrowleft arrow to remove them from the box (and the schedule).

6.   Click the SaveSave button.

The employees in the groups you added to the Selected box will be reviewed under this Group Review Schedule.

Note: Click the CancelCancel button to exit without making any changes.

7.   Enter a descriptive name for the schedule in the DescriptionDescription text box.

Note: The Review Year field will be set automatically based on your current settings, which are set by ExponentHR when activating performance management functions for your organization.

8.   Enter a start date and an end date defining the time period employee reviews completed for this Group Review Schedule will cover in the Review PeriodReview Period text boxes.


7.   Define the time period in which managers will be expected to complete reviews for employees falling under this Group Review Schedule.

Defining a Single Draft and Approval Period for All ManagersDefining a Single Draft and Approval Period for All Managers

To define a single review period for all employee groups assigned to this schedule:

1.   Enter a start date and end date for the period in the Draft and Approval PeriodDraft and Approval Period text boxes.

Note: You may also select the date from a calendar by clicking on the CalendarCalendar button.


Defining Multiple Draft and Approval Periods for Different Levels of Managers (Roll-Up)Defining Multiple Draft and Approval Periods for Different Levels of Managers (Roll-Up)

To define a roll-up review period where each level of employee included in the groups assigned to this schedule has a set time period to complete reviews:

1.   Check the Use multiple "roll-up" due datesUse multiple "roll-up" due dates checkbox.

The Roll-Up Date OptionsRoll-Up Date Options table appears.

2.   Enter a start date for the review period in the Draft and Approval PeriodDraft and Approval Period text boxes.

Note: You may also select the date from a calendar by clicking on the CalendarCalendar button.

3.   Select Begin or End from the Roll-Up Date OptionsRoll-Up Date Options drop-down box.

This will designate whether the date you enter in step 4 is the start or end of the draft and approval periods.

4.   Enter a date to begin or end the series of draft and approval periods in the Roll-Up Date Options Roll-Up Date Options textbox.

Note: You may also select the date from a calendar by clicking on the CalendarCalendar button.

5.   Enter the number of days to allocate for each draft and approval period in the Days Between Roll-Up DatesDays Between Roll-Up Dates textbox.


6.   Click the Calc DatesCalc Dates button.

Result: A Group Schedule is generated starting or ending (designated in Step 3) on the date you entered (in Step 4) allowing the number of calendar days you entered (in Step 5) for each specific Draft and Approval period (with one period created for each level of employee in the groups assigned to this schedule).

Note: You may edit any of the automatically generated dates as necessary in the Roll-Up Date Options table.


The OSM automatically locks before the Draft and Approval period begins. For more information, see Related Help Topics below.

8.   Define the time period in which managers will be expected to present reviews to employees reviewed under this Group Review Schedule in the Present Reviews to Employees & PostPresent Reviews to Employees & Post text boxes.

Note: You may also select the date from a calendar by clicking on the CalendarCalendar button.

9.   Define this schedule as either an annual schedule (one review period each year) or a periodic schedule (one review each quarter, multiple reviews throughout the year).

Defining an Annual ScheduleDefining an Annual Schedule

Define an annual schedule if you want managers to review the employee groups assigned to this schedule once per year.

1.   Select No from the Period SchedulePeriod Schedule drop-down box.

Result: This Group Schedule will be used for an annual review schedule.


Defining a Periodic ScheduleDefining a Periodic Schedule

Define a periodic schedule if you want managers to review the employee groups assigned to this schedule multiple times in the same year or schedule, for example, once each quarter.

1.   Select Yes from the Period SchedulePeriod Schedule drop-down box.

The Periodic SchedulePeriodic Schedule table displays.

2.   Select a periodic schedule type (quarterly or mid-year) from the TypeType drop-down box.

The Periodic Schedule table updates to display dates for all applicable review periods.

Note: You may lock the OSM for individual Review Periods if necessary, or ExponentHR may lock the OSM automatically. For more information, see Related Help Topics at the bottom of this page.

3.   Enter the start and end dates for the first Review Period within the Group Schedule in the Review PeriodReview Period text boxes.


4.   Enter the start and end dates for the Draft and Approval period within the first Review Period in the Draft and Approval PeriodDraft and Approval Period text boxes.

Note: You may select the dates by clicking the CalendarCalendar button, if necessary.

5.   Enter the start and end dates for the Review Presentation Period in the Present Reviews to Employees & PostPresent Reviews to Employees & Post text boxes.


6.   Repeat steps 3 to 5 for each additional Review Period falling within the Group Schedule.

Result: This Group Schedule will be used for a periodic review schedule, with each period taking place within the date ranges you specified in the steps above.


10.  Click the SaveSave button.

Result: The Group Review Schedule for the employee groups you selected is saved. You and other managers may now use performance management functions to monitor employee performance during this Group Review Schedule and complete employee reviews.


Related Help Topics:

Creating Schedule Groups

Locking the Performance Review and Approval Organizational Structure