Note: You can only revise an Employment Offer if the candidate has not yet accepted it.
To revise an Employment Offer:
1. Edit the New Hire or re-Hire EAN for the candidate.
If the candidate declined the offer, the EAN will be in "Rejected" status.
If the candidate did not respond to the offer, the EAN will be in "Onboarding" status.
2. Change the desired information.
3. Save the EAN (or Approve it if it was rejected).
4. If the candidate had declined the prior offer, an email link to the revised offer letter will automatically be sent.
5. If the candidate had neither accepted or declined the offer, the link in the previously sent Offer Letter email is still valid.
6. If the candidate no longer has the offer letter email, you can re-send it. In the Offer Letter Details screen, click Options > Re-Send Link to Offer Letter.
Note: If you changed the offer letter template (in Onboarding Setup), the updated offer will only use the new template if the candidate declined the offer. Otherwise the offer will simply update any keywords in the letter with new values from the EAN (e.g., Pay Rate, Direct Supervisor, Job Code, etc.).
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