Reviewing Benefit Plan Transactions

When an employee completes a change in benefits demographic information or enrollment status (a transaction), it appears in the Benefits Portal Management utility in ExponentHR. You can review the list of new benefit transactions and then manually process them through the benefit carrier's Web portal.

Your company's Open Enrollment period has closed, and the new plan year has not started yet. During this time period known as the "quiet period," benefit carriers do not accept automatic file feeds. Therefore, you must make manual entries through the carrier's Web portal whenever one of your employees completes a benefit change. Use the Benefits Portal Management utility in ExponentHR to monitor the benefit plan transactions.


To review transactions:

1.   On the Management Navigation Menu, click Benefits > Portal Management > DashboardBenefits > Portal Management > Dashboard.

The Portal Management DashboardPortal Management Dashboard page displays, showing all current plans.

2.   Select the All Plans radio button to view all active and inactive plans, if you want to see a history of old transactions.

3.   Click the View button next to the plan/plan group with open transactions you want to review.

The Portal Management TransactionsPortal Management Transactions page displays, showing open transactions for all employees for all plans.

4.   Select a specific employee in the drop-down list if you do not want to see transactions from all employees.

5.   Select a specific plan or plan group in the drop-down list if you do not want to see all plans.

6.   You can further filter the list of transactions by selecting an item in the Status drop-down box.

Open Transactions. Shows new and viewed transactions.

New Transactions. Shows only new transactions (those that have not been viewed).

Completed Transactions. Shows all transactions that have been marked as Complete by someone who has viewed them.

All Transactions. Shows all new, viewed, and completed transactions.

7.   Select the check box next to each type of transaction you want to see in the list.

Enrollment Add. Generated whenever an employee elects coverage for themselves or for one of their dependents.

Termination. Generated whenever an employee unenrolls in a plan.

Enrollment Change. Generated whenever an employee changes enrollment information, such as the amount of coverage.

Demographic. Generated whenever an employee changes their personal information, such as their phone number or address.

Open Enrollment Add. Generated after Open Enrollment closes and includes all plan enrollments.

Open Enrollment Term. Generated after Open Enrollment closes and includes all plan terminations.

Note: To see Open Enrollment Add or Open Enrollment Term transactions, you must generate the transactions as a batch after Open Enrollment closes. See the Related Help Topic.

8.   Click the View button next to the transaction you want to review.

The Portal Management Transaction DetailPortal Management Transaction Detail page displays.

9.   Scroll down to review the new values in the transaction.

Note: You can print the transaction details by clicking the Print button. This may help if you need to leave the ExponentHR Web site and go to the carrier's Web portal to make updates.

10. Add any necessary notes by clicking the Add button in the Transaction Notes area, typing the note, and then clicking the Save button.

11. When you are ready to change the status to Complete (if you have already made the update in the carrier's Web portal), click the Mark as Complete button.

12. Click the Return to Transactions button.

Result: The Portal Management Transactions page returns, and the transaction has a Complete status.

Note: You can mark all of the transactions as complete at one time by clicking the Options button and selecting the Mark All Viewed as Complete option.


Related Help Topics

Reviewing Benefit Plan Transactions

Setting Up Benefits Portal Notifications

Generating Open Enrollment Transactions for a Plan