Report Hours Worked Only

Employees may use the Time Clock Reporting to track/punch all hours worked on the job, as well as to report all authorized Paid Leave hours. At the end of the Pay Period, after manager review and approval, all reported hours will be automatically submitted to payroll.

You are an hourly employee, but your manager does not need to know when you worked as long as you enter the appropriate number of hours worked in the system so you will be paid correctly. Use the Report Hours feature to record the number of hours you have worked in a given day.


Adjusting Time Clock Reporting Options

If necessary, adjust time clock reporting options by clicking the OptionsOptions buttton.


Clocking In/Out Using One-Punch

The "Report Hours Worked Only" approach allows employees to enter total hours worked in a single entry.

1.   On the Menu, click Time and Pay > Report TimeTime and Pay > Report Time.

The Time Clock ReportingTime Clock Reporting page displays.


2.  Choose the appropriate date range in the Pay PeriodPay Period pull-down menu.


3.  On the ReportReport pull-down menu, select Hours Only.

     Note: The Selection bar refreshes and displays new optionsnew options.

4.   In the DateDate pull-down menu, select the appropriate date.

Note: The Date pull-down defaults to the current date.

5.   In the Hours and MinutesHours and Minutes fields, input the appropriate hours and minutes worked, not including extended breaks such as lunch.

6.   If necessary, enter any additional details about this time punch in the NotesNotes text box.

7.   Click the PunchPunch button to record the time clock entry.

Result: The Time Clock Reporting page refreshes with the new time recordnew time record added.

Note: If Cost Allocation has been enabled for your company, you may be asked to allocate reported hours. Click the See Also button at the bottom of this page for more information.



See Also

  1. Reporting Pieces - Non-Exempt
  2. Estimate Leave Balances: Non-Exempt
  3. Report Leave - Non-Exempt
  4. Edit Reported Time Entries
  5. Allocate Time Worked - Non-Exempt