Generating a Non-Scheduled File Feed

For certain benefit plan types, your organization is able to generate a benefit file (using the carrier's specified file layout) outside of the file's established schedule.  This feature may be beneficial when wanting to combine multiple payroll batches onto a single benefit file or to obtain a new file to send to the benefit carrier in response to a carrier's error report.

Note: You must have management access rights to the EDI Utility to use this feature.


To generate a file out of schedule:

1.   On the Management Navigation Menu, click Communication > EDI UtilityCommunication > EDI Utility.


The EDI UtilityEDI Utility page displays.


2.   Select the Manually Create File item from the Options drop-down menu.  

The Manually Create Data FileManually Create Data File page displays.

Note:  This page may alternatively be accessed from the EDI File History page by making the identical selection from the Options drop-down menu on that page.

3.   Designate the desired parameters to be used when creating the file.

4.   Select the desired Delivery Method option:

Note:  The utility displays all applicable files based on transmission type:

5.   Click the Create File button.

Result: The non-scheduled file is generated and made available for download in the EDI File History page for reference to the manually created file.



Related Help Topics:

Understanding Benefit File Feeds

Managing Benefit File Feeds

Managing Carrier Notices and Error Reports

Managing Open Enrollment Files

Overriding Enrollment Effective Dates on Benefit File Feed