At times, benefit carriers will internally reclassify employees and require the employer to use the date of that reclassification as the benefit effective date in the benefit file. Since this change in effective date does not correlate with the employee's benefit enrollment or eligibility in the ExponentHR system, the Override EDI Effective Date feature provides a way for you to set an alternate benefit effective date for selected employees (and their dependents) in the selected benefit plan.
Note: You must have management access rights to the EDI Utility to use this feature.
To override an employee's listed effective date on files:
1. On the Management Navigation Menu, click Communication > EDI UtilityCommunication > EDI Utility.
The EDI UtilityEDI Utility page displays.
2. Select the Override EDI Effective Date item from the Options drop-down menu.
The Override EDI Effective Date page is displayed.
3. In the Plan Name drop-down list, select which plan should reflect an alternate effective date for the employee's enrollment.
4. Designate in the EDI Effective Date Override field the employee's new alternate benefit effective date that is to be used when generating the file feed for the respective plan name.
5. The Reason for Update field may be used to record the explanation of why the alternate effective date is being utilized for the respective file feed.
6. Select the employee(s) that are to reflect the entered override criteria.
Note: Click the Filters button to refine the available list of employees using the Employe Filtering options.
7. Click the Save button.
Result: All future generated file feeds will reflect the alternate effective date for the selected employee(s).
Related Help Topics:
Understanding Benefit File Feeds
Managing Carrier Notices and Error Reports
Generating a Non-Scheduled File
Managing Open Enrollment Files