Managing Open Enrollment Files

The Open Enrollment Process screen displays the process that will be used to communicate to the carrier the benefit elections made during the Open Enrollment time period, changes made after the Open Enrollment time period, and the process that will take affect once the new plan year begins.

Note: You must have management access rights to the EDI Utility to use this feature.


To view the open enrollment EDI process:

1.   On the Management Navigation Menu, click Communication > EDI UtilityCommunication > EDI Utility.


The EDI UtilityEDI Utility page displays.


2.   Select the Open Enrollment EDI Process item from the Options drop-down menu.  

Result: The Open Enrollment Process page is displayed.


Below is a description of the possible values for the process-related columns.

EDI Utility:  The file will be posted in the Download Only section of the EDI Utility on ExponentHR where your organization will be responsible for sending it to the respective carrier.

FTP or Secure Email:  The file will be automatically sent directly to your carrier.  FTPs are usually an automated process on the carrier's side while secure emails tend to be manually processed by your carrier into their system.

Portal Management:  A file cannot be transmitted to the respective carrier.  If listed in the "Rest of this Plan Year" column, this many be because many carriers cannot process automated files for the current plan year once they have received the open enrollment file with next year's elections.  Portal Management indicates that your organization will need to manually process any changes (adds/edits/terminations) to benefit enrollments on your carrier's portal through the end of the current plan year.  See the related help topic below to learn more about how obtain a list of all enrollment transactions through the ExponentHR website.



Related Help Topics:

Understanding Benefit File Feeds

Managing Benefit File Feeds

Managing Carrier Notices and Error Reports

Generating a Non-Scheduled File

Overriding Enrollment Effective Dates on Benefit File Feed

Portal Management - Obtaining List of Enrollment Transactions