Viewing and Approving Employee Time

The Time Clock Review page allows you to review, edit, print, and approve worked and paid leave hours for employees in the current pay period.

The Time Clock Review defaults to the current pay period and displays all employees included in your management level access rights. The summary information identifies all worked and paid leave hours reported for each employee, including overtime and paid holidays.The review page displays a number of additional componentsnumber of additional components as well as some helpful legend iconslegend icons to aid in your review.

These legend icons will appear on an employee's row when applicable for the employee in the selected pay period.





Note: The Time Clock Review does not include salary information, but will display supplemental income such as commissions earned.


To view and approve employee time:

1.   On the Menu, click Wage & Tax > Time Clock ReviewWage & Tax > Time Clock Review.

2.   Select the appropriate pay schedule from the Pay Schedule drop-down list.

The Time Clock ReviewTime Clock Review page displays a summary of employee reported time for the current pay period.

3.   If necessary, select the appropriate pay period from the Pay Period drop-down list.

The Time Clock Review page updates.

4.   If viewing a future pay period, the Calculate HoursCalculate Hours button will be available to select, which will calculate all information available at that time to display on the Time Clock Review page.  


5.   If necessary, select a subsidiary in the Company drop-down list.

6.   Filter the list of employees, as needed.

Filtering EmployeesFiltering Employees

1.   Click the FilterFilter icon and select the criteria by which you want to filter the employees.

2.   Select the specific value you want in the Filter By drop-down list to change the display of the Time Clock Review screen.

      Note:  Any selection aside from All Records in the Filter By drop-down list will bring up a second drop-down list to allow you the option to filter by a specific criterion within the filter topic chosen.

3.   Check the box next to the one or more Other Filters Options to further control what data is included in the results.  

       Note: If you choose All for a criterion, the results will be grouped and sub-totaled by that criterion.

4.   Check the box next to the one or more Other Show Options to further control what data is displayed in the results.  

Note: If an employee’s Calculated Work Hours are not equal to their Actual Worked Hours, the employee's hours will be highlighted;you may mouse-over the highlighted hours to show a hovering link with the employee’s Calculated Worked Hours.

5.   Check the Save Filter Values box to have the selected filter options stored and automatically applied when you return to the Time Clock Review page.  If the save option is not used, the selected filters will apply to your current session, but the system will revert to the prior filter settings the next time you return to the Time Clock Review.

6.   Click the Apply button.

      Result:  The Time Clock Review page displays the employees meeting the classification filter(s) you selected. The selected filters are also displayed in the filter header bar above the list of employees for easy reference.


Note: When an employee is terminated or placed on-leave, they are automatically removed from the Time Clock Review page for all future pay periods.  To make the employee accessible from the Time Clock Review page for payment adjustments, you may click the Options button and select the Add Employee to Batch item.

7.   To view an employee's reported time for the pay period, click the Time Clock ReportTime Clock Report button on the employee row.

The Time Clock Report page displays a summary of all the employee's reported time for the pay period.

Note: To print a compiled list of all Time Clock Reports for the employees included in your selected view, click the Reports button and select the Multi-Employee Time Clock Report option.  After a few minutes (depending on size of report), you will be presented with a time sheet for each individual ready for printing.  Alternatively, you can select the Multi-Empl. Time Clock Rpt (signature-ready) option to generate the same time sheet pages, but now with the inclusion of signature lines for the employee and approver on the bottom of each individual's time sheet.  Both of these reports are also available when accessing from the View/Print Reports button on an individual's Time Clock reporting page.

8.   To see an employee's Time Clock supervisor, mouse over the SupervisorSupervisor button on the employee row.

Note: To see the "up-level" chain of command, click the button.

9.   To modify the employee's reported time, click the employee name link to open the employee's Time Clock detail and edit employee time, as necessary.

Note: For more information on editing reported employee time and employee leave, see the Related Help topics below.

10.  To approve the employee's time, select the Approved check box in the row of the Time Clock Review table corresponding to the employee.

11.  After approving all employee time as necessary, click the Save Approvals button.

Result: The reported time for all employees for which you checked the Approve check box will be marked as approved in the pay period you selected. After management has approved all hours, the Payroll Manager must perform final review and submit the Time Clock batch to ExponentHR for processing. See the Related Help Topic.



Related Help Topics:

Adjusting Employee Time

Adjusting Employee Pay

Adjusting Employee Leave

Suppressing Employee Pay

Submitting a Time Clock Batch

Reviewing Payroll Batches