Review Template - Apply To

Upon accessing the Apply To tab of a performance review template, you are able to establish the group of employees (based on filter criteria) to whom the respective template will be applied.

Note: To learn more about how Review Templates are used in the performance evaluation process, see the Related Help Topic Understanding Review Templates.


To manage employees applicable for performance review template:

1.   On the Menu, click HR Administration > Performance ManagementHR Administration > Performance Management.

The Performance Management DashboardPerformance Management Dashboard page displays.

2.   Click the OptionsOptions button and select Review Templates from the drop-down list.

The Performance Review TemplatesPerformance Review Templates page displays.

Note: If you do not have Performance Administrator rights, this option will not be visible.

3.   To create a new performance template, click the New TemplateNew Template button.

To edit an existing template, click on the template name to open the edit template screen.

4.   Select the Apply ToApply To tab.

5.   Use the available filter criteria fields to choose which criteria items must be met in order for the respective template to be applicable to an employee.  When multiple criteria items are in place, an employee must meet each item in order to receive the template.  You may also use the Include/Exclude Specific Employees option to override the filter criteria for specific individuals (these employees will or will not be applied to the template, regardless of filter criteria or future employment changes).

Note:  You may click the List EmployeesList Employees button to see a complete list of current employees to whom the respective template will be applied.

6.   Once satisfied with the change made, you can:

Click the Save And PublishSave And Publish button (to immediately implement the changes made).

Click the Save DraftSave Draft button (to keep the changes made, but maintain a drafted status for potential utilization at a later time).

Click the ExitExit button (to erase all changes made to the template since last time it was saved.

Proceed to any of the other Template Settings tab to make additional changes:

General Setup - Manage Template Settings

Schedule - Control Performance Review Cycle Frequency

Annual/Periodic/Probationary Review - Manage Evaluation Criteria


Related Help Topics

Performance Management Dashboard

Managing Performance Rating Methodologies

Managing Performance Review Items

Managing Performance Goals

Performance Management Reporting Capabilities