Changing Employment Information

Managers may be granted access to change employment information on behalf of an employee. Employment information in ExponentHR is made up of key employee data such as payroll information, employment status, W-4 withholding, and so on.


Note on Completion: After the EAN is approved, it will immediately complete unless:

To check the expected completion date for the EAN, refer to the eAction Notice (EAN) Details page for the EAN. See the Related Help Topic.


To change employment demographic information for an employee:

1.   On the Menu, click HR Administration > eAction NoticeHR Administration > eAction Notice.

The eAction Notice (EAN) SummaryeAction Notice (EAN) Summary page displays.

2.   Click the Create EANCreate EAN button.

The Create New EAN(s)Create New EAN(s) window displays.

3.   Select the employee for which you would like to change employment information from the Employee drop-down box.

4.   Select the Change Employment Information EAN from the EAN type selection box and click the Create EANCreate EAN button.

The Change Employment InformationChange Employment Information page for the employee you selected displays in a new window.


5.  Enter any new or updated Employment/Payroll InformationEmployment/Payroll Information in the appropriate boxes in the right-most column.


6.  Enter any new or updated Health Benefit Eligibility InformationHealth Benefit Eligibility Information in the appropriate boxes in the right-most column.


7.  Enter any new or updated FSA/HSA - Annual Contribution Adjustment (Outside Contribution)FSA/HSA - Annual Contribution Adjustment (Outside Contribution) in the appropriate boxes in the right-most column.

When an employee enrolls in an FSA or HSA plan, the employee elects an annual contribution ”goal” amount to fund into the savings account during the applicable plan year.  Using that annual election, ExponentHR automates the system generated deductions each pay period to ensure that the employee reaches the goal on his/her final pay period within that same plan year.

In some scenarios (such as an inter-company transfer within your organization), the employee may have already made some contributions to his/her savings account; contributions which are not reflected in the employee’s payroll history.  To account for these unique situations, you may enter any "outside contributions” in the employee record for any FSA or HSA plan.  By recording the outside contributions, the system will account for this sum in calculating the employee’s subsequent payroll contribution amounts.


8.  Enter any new or updated Form 1099 MISC InformationForm 1099 MISC Information in the appropriate boxes in the right-most column (only applicable for contractors).

When an individual is designated as contractor in the ExponentHR system, the Form 1099 MISC Information section may be used to managed certain fields on the year-end Form 1099-MISC.


9.  Enter any new or updated Federal Payroll Tax/Withholding Information in the appropriate boxes in the right-most column.

10. Enter any new or updated State Payroll Tax/Withholding Information in the appropriate boxes in the right-most column.

11. Enter any new or updated Local Payroll Tax/Withholding Information in the appropriate boxes in the right-most column.

12. Enter any new or updated Home/Work Location Tax Overrides in the appropriate boxes in the right-most column.

13. Enter any new or updated Employment Eligibility InformationEmployment Eligibility Information in the appropriate boxes in the right-most column.

When an individual requires authorization to work in the U.S., employers document the authorization accordingly using the fields in the Employment Eligibility Information section.  The available fields and features of this section are expanding for employers who utilize the ExponentHR onboarding tool (which can prompt candidates and the employer to respectively complete the Form I-9 electronically through the ExponentHR website).


14. Enter any notes related to the EAN in the EAN NotesEAN Notes text box at the bottom of the EAN.

15. If desired, click the Save as DraftSave as Draft button at the top or bottom of the page to keep the requested change in a drafted status so that it may be edited and submitted for completion at a later time.

Note:  When an EAN is put in a drafted status, a Draft EAN NoticeDraft EAN Notice with a link to the unsubmitted EAN is provided on the ExponentHR Dashboard.

16. After entering all necessary changes to employment information, click the Submit button to submit the EAN for approval.

Result: The EAN you just submitted is now visible on the eAction Notice (EAN) Summary page. The EAN must be approved by an appropriate person with rights in order for the change to be completed.

Note:  If you need multiple managers to review this EAN before you submit it, you may re-route the EAN. See Related Help Topics for more information.


Related Help Topics:

Re-Routing EANs for Approval

Working with EANs

Checking the Expected Completion of an EAN

Setting Up a 1099 Contractor

Changing a Contractor from Unpaid to Paid

Changing Employee Seniority Dates

Making Employees Exempt from Holiday Pay

Disabling View of Other Employees' Leave

Adjusting Employee Benefit Salary

Changing Employee Federal W-4 Withholding

Adding/Editing State Withholding

Setting Up Additional Local Withholding

Setting Up School District Tax Withholding

Overriding Home/Work Locality Tax Codes